Number |
County |
Name |
Owner |
Verif |
Description |
OH-11-01 |
Champaign |
Double T |
Kurt & Susan Taylor |
06-2015 |
N40 13.091 W83 59.323 |
W. of Rosewood, Adams Township. OH29 W. 1.0 miles from jct with Kiser Lake Rd. in Rosewood, S. on OH29/235 0.3 miles, W. on OH29 0.5 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 12472. |
OH-11-02 |
The Cabin by the Lake |
Evans Farm |
06-2015 |
N40 12.072 W83 58.938 |
SW of Rosewood, Adams Township. OH29 W. 1.0 miles from jct with Kiser Lake Rd. in Rosewood, S. on 235 1.3 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 5218. |
OH-11-03 |
Lavender Sprigs |
Vince & Cheryl Olshove |
06-2015 |
N40 12.837 W83 52.270 |
NW of Urbana, Harrison Township. OH29 N. (curves W.) 9.5 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, N. on Calland Rd. 1.0 miles, W. on Nine Mile Rd. 0.3 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 6332. |
OH-11-04 |
Stars & Stripes |
George & Pat Owens |
06-2015 |
N40 11.678 W83 51.533 |
NW of Urbana, Concord Township. US36 W. 4.5 miles from jct with US68 in Urbana, N. on OH560 7.0 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 5263. |
OH-11-05 |
Sommers Rose |
Dorothy Sommers |
06-2015 |
N40 09.458 W83 47.688 |
NW of Urbana, Salem Township. OH29 NW (curves W.) 3.9 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 2299. |
OH-11-06 |
Glitter Star |
Tom & Noel Tillis |
06-2015 |
N40 11.672 W83 47.205 |
N. of Urbana, Salem Township. US68 N. 5.8 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, W. on Lippencott Rd. 2.4 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 1852. |
OH-11-07 |
Ohio Star-var |
Mark & Lori Dowden |
06-2015 |
N40 14.848 W83 49.007 |
W. of West Liberty, Harrison Township. OH245 W. 3.5 miles from jct with US68 in West Liberty to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 3660. |
OH-11-08 |
Twisting Star |
Craig & Linda Hoffman |
06-2015 |
N40 15.333 W83 48.264 |
W. of West Liberty, Harrison Township. OH245 W. 2.8 miles from jct with US68 in West Liberty, N. on Carey Rd. 0.6 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 9638. |
OH-11-09 |
Log Cabin |
Ron Arnett |
06-2015 |
N40 14.642 W83 47.879 |
W. of West Liberty, Harrison Township. OH245 W. 2.5 miles from jct with US68 in West Liberty to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 2687. |
OH-11-10 |
Sheep & Spools |
Jerry & Dena Early |
06-2015 |
N40 14.029 W83 43.191 |
SE of West Liberty, Salem Township. US68 S. 1.2 miles from jct with OH245 (Baird St.) in West Liberty, E. on OH507 1.7 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 1338. |
OH-11-11 |
Detwiler Star |
John & Sandy Detwiler |
06-2015 |
N40 14.099 W83 44.766 |
S. of West Liberty, Salem Township. US68 S. 1.2 miles from jct with OH245 (Baird St.) in West Liberty, E. on OH507 0.3 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 259. |
OH-11-12 |
Goose Tracks |
Mad River Farm Market |
06-2015 |
N40 13.354 W83 45.189 |
S. of West Liberty, Salem Township. US68 S. 2.1 miles from jct with OH245 (Baird St.) in West Liberty to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 7538. |
OH-11-13 |
8 Point Star |
Thomas & Patricia Detwiler |
06-2015 |
N40 13.193 W83 45.362 |
S. of West Liberty, Salem Township. US68 S. 2.2 miles from jct with OH245 (Baird St.) in West Liberty, W. on Upper Valley Pike 0.2 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 7419. |
OH-11-14 |
Crown of Thorns |
Wayne & Nancy Hamilton |
06-2015 |
N40 11.626 W83 44.912 |
N. of Urbana, Salem Township. US68 N. 5.8 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, W. on Lippencott Rd. 0.35 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 264. |
OH-11-15 |
Family Traditions |
Andy & Corkey Detwiler |
06-2015 |
N40 10.113 W83 43.857 |
N. of Urbana, Salem Township. US68 N. 4.3 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, E. on Herr Rd. 0.7 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 707. |
OH-11-16 |
Century Dairy Farm |
Mar Dale Farm |
06-2015 |
N40 10.694 W83 40.849 |
NE of Urbana, Salem Township. US68 N. 3.3 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, E. on OH296 3.4 miles, N. on Ludlow Rd. 1.9 miles, E. on Kennard Rd. 0.5 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 5077. |
OH-11-17 |
Bovine Star |
Larry & Jan Dagger |
06-2015 |
N40 09.788 W83 39.918 |
NE of Urbana, Wayne Township. US68 N. 3.3 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, E. on OH296 3.4 miles, N. on Ludlow Rd. 0.25 miles, E. (turns N.) on OH296) 1.3 miles, E. on Bowers Rd. 0.15 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 4146. |
OH-11-18 |
Cows Grazing |
Donald Perry Family |
06-2015 |
N40 09.822 W83 39.480 |
NE of Urbana, Wayne Township. US68 N. 3.3 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, E. on OH296 3.4 miles, N. on Ludlow Rd. 0.25 miles, E. (turns N.) on OH296) 1.3 miles, E. on Bowers Rd. 0.55 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 4305. |
OH-11-19 |
Summer Star Flower |
John & Margaret Hager |
06-2015 |
N40 09.578 W83 37.864 |
S. of Cable, Wayne Township. Mutual Union Rd. S. 0.6 miles from jct with Cable Rd. on the S. side of Cable to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 2927. |
OH-11-20 |
Triad Cardinal |
Naomi Larue Millice |
06-2015 |
N40 10.729 W83 37.636 |
N. of Cable, Wayne Township. Inskeep Rd. N. 0.45 miles from jct with Clay St. in Cable, W. on Black Rd. 0.1 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 5600. |
OH-11-21 |
Huhn's Early Dawn |
Curt & Ginger Huhn |
06-2015 |
N40 10.688 W83 37.423 |
N. of Cable, Wayne Township. Inskeep Rd. N. 0.45 miles from jct with Clay St. in Cable, E. on Black Rd. 0.1 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 6108. |
OH-11-22 |
Maple Leaf |
Johnson Family |
06-2015 |
N40 12.941 W83 38.402 |
N. of Cable, Wayne Township. Cable Rd. W. 1.25 miles from jct with Main St. on the S. side of Cable, NE on OH296 2.0 miles, NW (curves N.) on OH245 1.5 miles, continue N. on Spain St. (becomes Stevenson Rd.) 0.6 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 7021. |
OH-11-23 |
Broken Path |
Michael & Donna Black |
06-2015 |
N40 10.663 W83 35.464 |
ENE of Cable, Wayne Township. Cable Rd. E. 1.1 miles from jct with Main St. on the S. side of Cable, N. on Black Rd. 0.15 miles, E. on Blue Rd. 0.6 miles, N. on Chatfield Rd. 0.25 miles, E. on Brush Lake Rd. 0.45 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 7793. |
OH-11-24 |
Underground Railroad |
Thomas & Eva Carey |
06-2015 |
N40 08.487 W83 31.873 |
N. of Mechanicsburg, Rush Township. OH559 N. 5.1 miles from jct with OH29 (Main St.) in Mechanicsburg to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 92. |
OH-11-25 |
The Hunt |
Yocom Family |
06-2015 |
N40 07.936 W83 34.895 |
N. of Mechanicsburg, Rush Township. Parkview Rd. N. 4.3 miles from jct with OH29 (Main St.) in Mechanicsburg to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 40. |
OH-11-26 |
Untitled |
Unknown |
06-2015 |
N40 07.299 W83 36.998 |
NW of Mechanicsburg, Union Township. OH29 W. 2.8 miles from jct with OH559 (High St.) in Mechanicsburg, N. on Yankee Hill Rd. 0.65 miles, W. on OH161 0.1 miles, N. on Talbot Rd. 1.15 miles, W. on Stringtown Rd. 0.1 miles, N. on Cambrian Rd. 0.8 miles, W. (turns N.) on Long Pond Rd. 0.5 miles, E. on US36 100 yds to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 6767. |
OH-11-27 |
Corn & Beans |
Yocom Barn |
06-2015 |
N40 08.158 W83 36.729 |
SSE of Cable, Wayne Township. Cable Rd. E. 0.8 miles from jct with Main St. on the S. side of Cable, S. on Brand Rd. 0.8 miles, E. on Urbana Woodstock Rd. 0.4 miles, S. on Yocom Rd. 1.4 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 773. |
OH-11-28 |
Clays Choice |
Bo & Jane Channell |
06-2015 |
N40 06.311 W83 38.041 |
WNW of Mechanicsburg, Union Township. OH29 W. 4.3 miles from jct with OH559 (High St.) in Mechanicsburg, N. on Mutual Union Rd. 0.6 miles, E. (turns N.) on Madden Rd. 1.4 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 1082. |
OH-11-29 |
Maple Leaf |
John & Bonnie Warman |
06-2015 |
N40 06.503 W83 49.373 |
W. of Urbana, Mad River Township. US36 W. 3.75 miles from jct with US68 in Urbana to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 3339. |
OH-11-30 |
Bacon Patch |
Bart & Karen Ward |
06-2015 |
N40 06.539 W83 49.907 |
W. of Urbana, Mad River Township. US36 W. 4.25 miles from jct with US68 in Urbana to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 3783. |
OH-11-31 |
Spotted Turtle |
Cedar Bog Historical Site |
06-2015 |
N40 03.459 W83 47.523 |
S. of Urbana, Urbana Township. US68 S. 4.05 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, W. on Woodburn Rd. 0.75 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 960. |
OH-11-32 |
Card Tricks |
Ronny & Brenda Rutan |
06-2015 |
N40 05.006 W83 45.539 |
S. of Urbana, Urbana Township. US68 S. 1.8 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, E. on Camp Ground Rd. 0.1 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 104. |
OH-11-33 |
Chapman's Apple |
Urbana University |
06-2015 |
N40 06.145 W83 45.609 |
In Urbana. Reynolds St. (becomes College Way) W. 0.45 miles from jct with US68, S. on Blue Knight Dr. 0.1 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road. |
OH-11-34 |
Lone Eagle |
Grimes Municipal Airport |
06-2015 |
N40 07.923 W83 44.942 |
In Urbana. US68 N. 1.65 miles from jct with US36 to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 1636. |
OH-11-35 |
Fish or Swimmin |
David & Carol Smith |
06-2015 |
N40 08.903 W83 44.836 |
N. of Urbana, Salem Township. US68 N. 2.8 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 2624. |
OH-11-36 |
Heritage |
Heritage Cooperative |
06-2015 |
N40 05.874 W83 44.739 |
In the County Fairgrounds in Urbana. Park Av. E. 0.3 miles from jct with US68, S. (curves E.) 0.1 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road. |
OH-11-37 |
Hand of Friendship |
County Fairgrounds |
06-2015 |
N40 05.896 W83 44.755 |
In the County Fairgrounds in Urbana. Park Av. E. 0.4 miles from jct with US68, S. 200' to the quilt on the E. side of the road. |
OH-11-38 |
Oak & Swine |
Oakview Farm |
06-2015 |
N40 05.171 W83 43.967 |
S. of Urbana, Urbana Township. OH54 S. 1.6 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1654. |
OH-11-39 |
Flying Geese |
Champaign Res Service, Inc |
06-2015 |
N40 06.361 W83 43.373 |
In Urbana. US36 E. 1.6 miles from jct with US68 to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 1150. |
OH-11-40 |
Champaign Family YMCA |
06-2015 |
N40 06.553 W83 43.402 |
In Urbana. US36 E. 1.5 miles from jct with US68, N. on Community Dr. 0.15 miles to the quilt on the on the rear of the bldg. |
OH-11-41 |
Threading Connections |
C.T. Communications |
06-2015 |
N40 06.005 W83 42.942 |
In Urbana. OH32 (Scioto St.) SE 0.9 miles from jct with US36 to the quilt on the SW side of the road at 1679. |
OH-11-42 |
Art Square with Raspberries |
Robert Rothchild Berry Farm |
06-2015 |
N40 06.394 W83 41.396 |
E. of Urbana, Urbana Township. US36 E. 3.3 miles from jct with US68 in Urbana to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 3143. |
OH-11-43 |
Harvest Sunset |
Mirtes Farm |
06-2015 |
N40 05.124 W83 41.040 |
SE of Urbana, Union Township. OH29 SE 2.8 miles from jct with US36 on the E. side of Urbana to the quilt on the SW side of the road at 3627. |
OH-11-44 |
Milkmaids Star |
Snyder Farm |
06-2015 |
N40 05.361 W83 39.147 |
SE of Urbana, Union. OH29 SE 4.5 miles from jct with US36 on the E. side of Urbana to the quilt on the SW side of the road at 5174 up a driveway 0.5 miles. |
OH-11-45 |
Harvest the Wind |
Jon & Robin Berry |
06-2015 |
N40 06.242 W83 38.574 |
E. of Urbana, Union Township. US36 E. 6.0 miles from jct with US68 in Urbana, S. on Mutual Union Rd. 0.7 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 857. |
OH-11-46 |
Knotted Diamond |
Cynthia Peters |
06-2015 |
N40 05.352 W83 36.620 |
WNW of Mechanicsburg, Union Township. OH29 W. 2.8 miles from jct with OH559 (High St.) in Mechanicsburg, N. on Yankee Hill Rd. 0.65 miles, E. on OH161 250' to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 7300. |
OH-11-47 |
Fathers Choice |
Doc & Georgia Bumgardner |
06-2015 |
N40 04.647 W83 34.939 |
W. of Mechanicsburg, Goshen Township. OH29 W. 1.25 miles from jct with OH559 (High St.) in Mechanicsburg to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 8743. |
OH-11-48 |
Hen & Chicks |
Jeff & Heather Tiefenthaler |
06-2015 |
N40 04.199 W83 30.731 |
E. of Mechanicsburg, Goshen Township. OH29 SE 0.65 miles from jct with OH4 (Sandusky St.) in Mechanicsburg, E. on Rosedale Rd. 1.9 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 12532. |
OH-11-49 |
Carpenters Wheel |
Rick & Rita Anderson |
06-2015 |
N40 03.309 W83 32.128 |
SE of Mechanicsburg, Goshen Township. OH29 SE 1.5 miles from jct with OH4 (Sandusky St.) in Mechanicsburg, S. on OH187 0.2 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 6150. |
OH-11-50 |
Windmill |
Ron & Debbie Lantz |
06-2015 |
N40 03.227 W83 31.639 |
SE of Mechanicsburg, Goshen Township. OH29 SE 2.0 miles from jct with OH4 (Sandusky St.) in Mechanicsburg to the quilt on the NE side of the road at 11756. |
OH-11-51 |
Williamsburg Circle |
Ron & Sandy Williams |
06-2015 |
N40 03.649 W83 37.607 |
WSW of Mechanicsburg, Union Township. OH4 SW 3.1 miles from jct with OH29 in Mechanicsburg, N. on OH56 0.65 miles, W. on Pisgah Rd. 0.5 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 6376. |
OH-11-52 |
Crossroads |
Charles & Cheryl Virts |
06-2015 |
N40 01.777 W83 39.354 |
SW of Mechanicsburg, Union Township. OH4 SW 6.1 miles from jct with OH29 in Mechanicsburg, W. on OH54 100 yds to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 5812. |
OH-11-53 |
Liberty Star |
Jim & Nancy Virts |
06-2015 |
N40 01.986 W83 39.432 |
SW of Mechanicsburg, Union Township. OH4 SW 6.1 miles from jct with OH29 in Mechanicsburg, W. on OH54 0.25 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 5635. |
OH-11-54 |
Double Wedding Ring |
John & Kelly Wilson |
06-2015 |
N40 02.007 W83 38.155 |
SW of Mechanicsburg, Union Township. OH4 SW 6.1 miles from jct with OH29 in Mechanicsburg, E. on OH54 0.75 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 6375 up a driveway 0.55 miles. |
OH-11-55 |
Prairie Queen |
Valley View Farm |
06-2015 |
N40 01.115 W83 38.366 |
SW of Mechanicsburg, Union Township. OH4 SW 6.1 miles from jct with OH29 in Mechanicsburg, E. (turns S.) on OH54 1.25 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 6874. |
OH-11-56 |
Cushman Log Cabin |
French Barn |
06-2015 |
N40 02.596 W83 39.334 |
SW of Mechanicsburg, Union Township. OH4 SW 6.1 miles from jct with OH29 in Mechanicsburg, W. on OH54 0.22 miles, N. on Mutual Cadawba Rd. 0.8 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 4908. |
OH-11-57 |
Martha Washington Star |
Lilli Johnson |
06-2015 |
N40 02.997 W83 42.581 |
SE of Urbana, Urbana Township. OH54 S. 5.5 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, continue S. on Prairie Rd. 100' to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 4070. |
OH-11-58 |
Gentlemen's Fancy |
Hearthstone Farms |
06-2015 |
N40 03.381 W83 42.819 |
SE of Urbana, Urbana Township. OH54 S. 5.1 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3548. |
OH-11-59 |
Martha Washington |
Todd & Jill Michael |
06-2015 |
N40 02.705 W83 42.964 |
SE of Urbana, Urbana Township. OH54 S. 5.5 miles from jct with US36 in Urbana, continue S. on Prairie Rd. 0.4 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 4440 up a driveway 0.3 miles. |
OH-11-60 |
Zerkle Star |
Avery & Jaclyn Zerkle |
06-2015 |
N40 04.053 W83 51.710 |
SW of Urbana, Mad River Township. US36 W. 4.55 miles from jct with US68 in Urbana, S. on OH560 2.75 miles, W. on OH55 1.4 miles, N. (turns W.) on Rhodes Rd. 0.4 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 5010. |
OH-11-61 |
Pine Grove |
Ralph & Carol Wilson |
06-2015 |
N40 04.810 W83 52.451 |
SW of Urbana, Mad River Township. US36 W. 4.55 miles from jct with US68 in Urbana, S. on OH560 1.8 miles, W. (turns S.) on Old Troy Pike 2.1 miles the quilt ahead at 5787. |
OH-11-62 |
The General |
Smith Family |
06-2015 |
N40 03.247 W83 53.816 |
SW of Urbana, Mad River Township. US36 W. 4.55 miles from jct with US68 in Urbana, S. on OH560 2.75 miles, W. on OH55 4.11 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 6819. |
OH-11-63 |
Christmas Star |
Trent & Angie Zerkle |
06-2015 |
N40 03.220 W83 56.745 |
E. of Christiansburg, Jackson Township. OH55 E. 4.3 miles from jct with Main St. in Christiansburg to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 9346. |
OH-11-64 |
Mariners Compass |
Roger & Diane Littlejohn |
06-2015 |
N40 02.775 W84 01.237 |
S. of Christiansburg, Jackson Township. Main St. (becomes Addison New Carlisle Rd.) S. 0.55 miles from jct with OH55 (Pike St.) in Christiansburg, E. on Cowpath Rd. 0.3 miles, S. on Studebaker Rd. 100 yds to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 5575. |
OH-11-65 |
Crazy Quilt |
Sharon & Ivan Hastings |
06-2015 |
N40 03.319 W83 57.221 |
E. of Christiansburg, Jackson Township. OH55 E. 3.9 miles from jct with Main St. in Christiansburg to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 9852. |
OH-11-66 |
Circles Upon Circles |
Dale & Kee Circle |
06-2015 |
N40 03.038 W83 57.388 |
E. of Christiansburg, Jackson Township. OH55 E. 3.7 miles from jct with Main St. in Christiansburg, S. on Wallace Rd. 0.3 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 5001. |
OH-11-67 |
One Bad Bobcat |
Jim & Charlie Reed |
06-2015 |
N40 04.503 W83 59.525 |
NE of Christiansburg, Jackson Township. OH55 E. 1.7 miles from jct with Main St. in Christiansburg, N. on OH235 1.1 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 3501. |
OH-11-68 |
Parrot |
Guy & Lillian Parrot |
06-2015 |
N40 04.821 W83 59.368 |
NE of Christiansburg, Jackson Township. OH55 E. 1.7 miles from jct with Main St. in Christiansburg, N. on OH235 1.5 miles, E. on Old Troy Pike 0.15 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 11867. |
OH-11-69 |
Hand of Friendship |
Pat & Walter Hill |
06-2015 |
N40 06.129 W83 59.305 |
SW of St. Paris, Jackson Township. US36 W. 1.5 miles from jct with Springfied St. in St. Paris, S. on OH235 2.15 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1689. |
OH-11-70 |
Mothers Choice |
Jim & Barbara Zook |
06-2015 |
N40 05.532 W83 57.721 |
S. of St. Paris, Jackson Township. St. Paris Springfield St. (becomes Jackson Rd.) S. 2.5 miles from jct with US36 in St. Paris to the quilt on the E. side of the road 2197. |
OH-11-71 |
Dresden Plate |
Wayne & Connie Sliker |
06-2015 |
N40 06.411 W83 55.310 |
SE of St. Paris, Jackson Township. US36 E. 1.5 miles from jct with Springfield St. in St. Paris, S. on Fueston Rd. 1.05 miles, E. on Runkle Rd. 0.55 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 8409. |
OH-11-72 |
Farm & Play |
Howell Family Farms |
06-2015 |
N40 06.401 W83 54.980 |
SE of St. Paris, Jackson Township. US36 E. 1.5 miles from jct with Springfield St. in St. Paris, S. on Fueston Rd. 1.05 miles, E. on Runkle Rd. 0.85 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 8075. |
OH-11-73 |
Celebrating 25 Years |
KTH Parts Industries |
06-2015 |
N40 08.682 W83 59.108 |
NW of St. Paris, Johnson Township. US36 W. 1.5 miles from jct with Springfield St. in St. Paris, N. on OH235 0.8 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1111. |
OH-11-74 |
Crossed Canoes |
Bob Spurgeon |
06-2015 |
N40 09.024 W83 57.377 |
N. of St. Paris, Johnson Township. Springfield St. (becomes Kiser Lake Rd.) N. 1.55 miles from jct with US36 in St. Paris, E. on Smith Rd.100 yds to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 1815. |
OH-11-75 |
Untitled |
Unknown |
06-2015 |
N40 08.697 W83 54.113 |
NE of St. Paris, Concord Township. US36 E. 1.3 miles from jct with Springfield St. in St. Paris, N. on Heck Hill Rd. 2.4 miles, SE on Zimmerman Rd. 1.35 miles to the quilt on the NE side of the road at 7530. |
OH-11-76 |
Hole in the Barn Door |
Joe & Gail Wilson |
06-2015 |
N40 08.301 W83 53.758 |
NE of St. Paris, Concord Township. US36 E. 2.1 miles from jct with Springfield St. in St. Paris, N. on Neal Rd. 1.15 miles, NW on Zimmerman Rd. 0.25 miles to the quilt on the SW side of the road at 7153. |